Georgetown Animal Clinic, PC

5155 Sheridan Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221



Georgetown Animal Clinic Vision Statement


Georgetown Animal Clinic - staff member holding a black cat


  1. We value the importance of honesty, integrity, trust and dignity within our practice.
  2. We value personal happiness for every employee. We would like everyone to enjoy his or her career in our practice and we will strive to make it as successful as it possibly can be.
  3. We value customer service. All clients are equally important to us as are the patients they bring to us. Every employee should give a friendly smile and warm hello to each client. We should go out of our way to please our clients and patients everyday.
  4. We value efficiency, convenience and accommodation. These values are important to our overall success.
  5. We value the importance of education. We not only need to educate our clients on important issues, but also the employees need to stay current through continuing education and the literature.
  6. We value dependability and reliability. We want to be there for our clients at all times and provide for their wants and needs.
  7. We value a higher standard of veterinary medicine. We will strive to provide the latest technology and innovative products to our clients and patients.
  8. We want to minimize our impact on the Earth's climate. We take every step we can to implement innovative and responsible environmental practices to help keep the environment cleaner, use less energy, and thus reduce our carbon footprint.